In mediation, the mediator works to have the couple highlight their interests and brainstorm possible resolutions rather than restating their positions, while at the same time guiding the couple through all the issues that need to be addressed. Unlike in a courtroom, the couple themselves make the many necessary decisions rather than a judge at a pace that works for them.
The first step for those contemplating mediation is a complimentary telephone conversation or Zoom meeting with Catherine where she will provide information about the mediation process and answer any questions the couple may have. If the couples decide to proceed, Catherine will email to find a mutually agreeable time to meet for the first session and will send documents to be reviewed and completed beforehand, thus maximizing the efficiency of time spent in session.
Unlike divorce mediation, marital or relationship mediation focuses not on the means by which a marriage or other committed relationship will end, but on resolving particular conflicts within the relationship in order to stay together, or to decide whether or not they should. Different from couples therapy, which often delves extensively into the psychological causes of the conflict, marital or relationship mediation serves to provide the couple with effective practical tools with which to resolve the issues that have brought them to mediation and to devise workable strategies for conflicts that may arise in the future.
Those in the LGBTQ community often experience conflict as a consequence of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This can take the form of bullying or biased treatment at school. It is also seen in the alienation that can result from coming out to family members, friends and work colleagues.
In these types of situations, where emotions run high and relationships are sought be preserved, the safe and confidential space of mediation can afford the clients room for those difficult but critical conversations that will provide the parties the understanding necessary to move forward within a mutually respectful and supportive relationship.
Many couples seek to avoid or minimize future conflict by entering into an agreement that either structures their existing relationship, including how to parent children in a parenting partnership agreement, or details the outcome of a future divorce or separation, in a prenuptial/post nuptial or pre/post cohabitation agreement.
In mediation, Catherine facilitates a dialogue that moves past statements of individual positions, and allows the couple to express their underlying interests and to hear what is important to the other person; in doing so, solutions to previously insurmountable problems may suddenly become apparent.
Whether before, during or after the adoption process mediation can help resolve conflicts that arise. For example, every adoption, whether by a single parent or couple, involves a decision concerning the biological parents’ involvement in the child’s life. Perhaps a formerly unknown biological parent enter a child’s life or a formerly peaceful open adoption experiences some strain as the child gets older.
In mediation, Catherine facilitates a safe and constructive dialogue that allows each member of the triad (and the child’s voice if appropriate) to be heard and understood more fully by the other members, and, in turn, to identify and structure appropriate and mutually beneficial future relationships.
Catherine consults or reviews separation / settlement agreements during the mediation process.